Carcass Traits, Cuts Yield, Raw Meat Quality and Burger Quality Characteristics of Different Marketing Ages and Sex Broiler Chickens

Document Type : Original Article


This study aimed to study the effects of marketing age and sex of broiler on the carcass traits and meat quality and chicken burger quality characteristics. The results revealed that the increasing of marketing age result in increasing of live bird weight with increasing rate ranged between 14 to 25 % every 5 days, also with increasing marketing age the dressed ratio increased since it was 70.72% at 30 days marketing age, while it reached 77.50% at 50 days marketing. In regard to giblets ratio, it was decreased with increasing the marketing age, since it decreased from 4.44% at 30 days marketing age to 3.10% at 50 days marketing age. Breast weight percent was increased with increasing marketing age, since it increased from 17.81% at 30 days marketing age to 20.86% at 50 days marketing age. The results showed that chicken burger processed from female chicken breast meat had superior physiochemical properties than that processed from male chicken breast meat. The same trend was obtained for cooking measurements which were higher for female chicken breast meat burger than that of male chicken breast meat burger. Sensorial results showed that burger processed from female chicken breast meat had higher acceptability for all sensory properties than burger which processed from male chicken breast meat. The results showed that 45 days marketing age was the super marketing age from both quality of breast chicken meat and quality of chicken breast meat burger.
