Influence of Xanthan Gum and Inulin as Thickening Agents for Jam Production
Document Type : Original Article
REPLACING pectin with natural biopolymer substances has importance in the food industry to ensure functional properties. The aim of the study was to evaluate a xanthan gum and inulin as pectin substitute and biopolymers thickening agents for jam production. Physio-chemical properties for three tested types of fruits differ in pectin percentage (strawberry, apricot and apple) and their jams were evaluated. Effect of replacement different concentrations of pectin with xanthan gum, inulin and their blend on total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, viscosity, colour, microstructural and sensory characteristics was performed on the final products and after eight months of storage period. The results indicated that the viscosity decreased as the pectin replacement level increased. Type of jam and level of pectin replacement affected the values of lightness ( L*), redness (a*) and yellowness ( b*). No differences were shown in total soluble solids between all treatments comparing to the control samples of the three types of jams. Up to 50% pectin substitution with xanthan gum, there was no significant difference in texture and spreadability of the jam samples. Increasing the replacement level of pectin more than 50% reduced the texture quality. The lowest score for texture and spreadability were produced for jam containing 50% xanthan gum and 50% inulin followed by 50% inulin. Xanthan-inulin-pectin blend (1:1:2) was the best formulation than other jams formulated containing blend. The results after eight months of storage indicated that xanthan gum could successfully replace 25 % pectin in producing high-quality jam having good overall sensory acceptability and great textural property.